Completing an Ironman
Over the years, I have taken part in many events that challenge me physically and mentally, and I love the feeling of satisfaction I gain from knowing that I can push the boundaries of what I thought could do. When I did my first sprint triathlon in 2008, no way did I ever imagine I would be able to go the distance and complete a full Ironman. Gradually, I built up my fitness and extended the distances I could do. Once I admitted out loud that I wanted to do a full Ironman, my goal was set and in 2012 I completed Ironman Wales, one of my proudest moments.
The Mind is Key
If there is one thing I have learnt through taking on challenges it is that the mind is key to achieving our goals. It doesn’t matter what your current level of fitness is, if you want to get stronger, eat better and improve your well-being then set your mind to it and let me help
guide you there. By working with me I will help you maximise your training efficiency, improve your strength and endurance, provide nutritional support and above all give you the motivational support to make sure you overcome any obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals, however big or small they may be.
Why Red Kite Fitness?
Why Red Kite Fitness? Well, I have always had a love of wildlife and the Red Kite is one of my favourite birds. Growing up, I would always see one or two on our family holidays to Wales but due to persecution and loss of habitat, sightings of these majestic birds became few and far between as the population took a nose dive. Thankfully things have changed and with support and help from conservationists to stop the downward trend, these birds are thriving and are now a regular sight in places they hadn’t been seen for decades. The plight of the Red Kite struck a chord with me and emphasised the fact that with support and education we can come through adversity to thrive and succeed.